Did you know that 94% of people who try to use the Law of Attraction are unhappy with their results?
What if there was a way in 6 short weeks to learn precisely how to CREATE THE LIFE YOU DESIRE so you never have to fall into that 94% again?
Learn exactly how to get more of what you want and less of what you don’t
Discover how your thoughts create the life experiences you have
Understand the three critical factors that determine which thoughts become your reality
Find out what’s been standing in the way of all that you desire
The System Behind the Secret combines success hacker, Mark Boldizar’s science-based study of LOA with bestselling author, Takara Shelor’s engineering and metaphysical understanding. They bring you a refreshing new look at how to manifest all that you desire in a practical and easy-to-use system. Learn what it’s taken Mark and Takara a lifetime to figure out.
Accolades from Happy Students

“This course makes the manifestation process more logical or easier to quantify and understand. … The energy and conversation, back and forth between Takara and Mark works. Their relationship works well for teaching. It is an interesting dynamic. I love Takara’s laugh and Mark’s very dry sense of humour. … I’ve been looking for this answer for decades in my coaching! THANK YOU!!!”
“This ecourse delivers structure and meaning behind the natural Law of Attraction. Mark and Takara share their personal stories, their research, and incorporate measurable tools to support The System Behind the Secret. It’s very eye opening!”

“After about a month working with Mark, I had 3 excellent job offers and more importantly, I had regained my confidence and had a toolbox to continue improving all aspects of my life. I can’t thank Mark enough for his time, thoughtful guidance and inspiring model to help me be a better person.”

“I had an amazing time at the course on manifesting! Takara Shelor is a passionate and skilled instructor. She provided us with several tools to bring clarity and light to our path and grow into our next level and reach our life purpose.”

“I don’t really feel like the same person any more. … The meditations that Takara did with us are incredibly deep and incredibly transformative. I trust myself a lot more … with my intuition and my inner knowing.”

“My life has changed so much (since participating in Takara’s manifesting classes) … I’m much happier … when I was ready, it was only one or two days and this recruiter contacted me.”
What’s Wrong With Many Other LOA Courses Out There?
Most courses:
- are far too theoretical
- fail to teach you how to apply the Law of Attraction in your day to day experience
- have no way to measure the likelihood that a particular goal or dream will manifest
- don’t give you the steps necessary to program The Law
- are missing the most important piece of the puzzle – what to do or change when it isn’t working.
The System Behind the Secret covers all of that and more!
In addition to 6 hour-long weekly videos, you get worksheets, guided meditations, exercises and other tools to help you finally begin heading in the direction you’ve always wanted to go in … toward greater success, happiness, and fulfillment.